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Последние новости Курсы валют в Москве

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Packshot design atelier

http://packshot.ru, ID: 83737, рейтинг: 6.7
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How often do you renew your wardrobe? It is very important to have a tidy and attractive looks for scores of people around you. And what is more important, it is essential that your brand is immaculate in opinion of thousands, millions of customers. In everyday life you purchase ready-made clothes with possibility for some adjustments, i.e. making them shorter or introducing modifications, and relying in all other respects on taste of experienced couturiers. But your trademark is far more sensitive to its appearance, for competition is so severe in the world of trademarks and brands. What can we offer? 1. Selection of fabrics, design and cutting (packing design). 2. Individual style (corporate identity). 3. Pattern and printing on fabric (photo and illustrations). 4. Measurements, curves and patterns (creative concepts) 5. Patchwork (POSM) Customers of the atelier’s owner include famous companies: Elit group, Mars LLC, Upasana Singapore Pte Ltd, Sucafina S.A., Baltika , Dymov , VBD , Moscow wine and cognac fa...

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