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http://npp-oberon.ru/eng/info/, ID: 598044, рейтинг: 0.0
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"OBERON-ALPHA" company produces and sells powerful stun guns that are used to protect civilians, and are also in service with the power structures of the Russian Federation. Our company is a licensed developer of protective equipment and weapons, we have the necessary certificates for all types of goods offered. On our website https://npp-oberon.ru/eng/info/ (best stun guns) you can find an assortment of goods manufactured by "OBERON-ALPHA". We offer: - Powerful stun guns with removable cartridges for the police; - stun guns, batons, light-noise modules, panels for suppressing riots; - stun devices for civilians; - protective high-voltage barriers. We are engaged in individual development of stun guns and other means of active protection. Our stun guns are used by police officers, special forces fighters. Electroshock devices can repel the attack of an attacker or group of people, they are suitable for effective self-defense, while not harming the attacker. You can order law enforcement t...

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