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Grifo Macchine Enologiche

http://www.grifomarchetti.ru/, ID: 597094, рейтинг: 0.0
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Eco-friendly, champion of the tradition and the Made in Italy, Grifo Enological Machines is an Italian company that deals with the production of wine and fruit processing machines. It commit itself to preserve the environment through the use of increasingly avant-garde production machines that are powered by renewable sources. The machines that Grifo Enological Machines produces, in fact, are designed so that they can preserve the naturalness and genuineness of the products. The selection of products that Grifo Enological Machines offers, includes grape crushers, grape stalk removers, grape destemmers and fillers, which are used in the oenological productions; we add the desheller for pomegranates, the fruit crushers and the destoners. To complete the range, the company produces transfer pumps, corkers, filling machines, presses and filters. Grifo Enological Machines has also a complete range of electro-equipment such as: electric tomato machines, electric meat mincers and vacuum machines for food preserv...

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