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Последние новости Курсы валют в Москве

21.01 10:48Во время штурма в Алжире погибли шесть филиппинцев и девять японцев
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21.01 10:45Леди Гага споет на балу в честь инаугурации Обамы
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Prevention is the best cure!

http://www.2303308.all-in-1000.com, ID: 56310, рейтинг: 4.7
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Prevention is the best cure! The basic requirement for a preventative effect or a successful "therapy" with the aid of probiotics is a sufficiently high amount of live microorganisms - if possible coming from different families - which pass undamaged through the acidic stomach to enter the colon. The prebiotic inulin works just like a protective coating for the prebiotics during their acidic passage through the stomach. In the intestines, the probiotic microorganisms cling to the cells on the intestines" mucous membrane. The better they can "hold on" there, the longer they remain in the intestines and can develop their health-promoting characteristics in the best possible way. The new generation of health-promoting yogurts!

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