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Последние новости | Курсы валют в Москве | |
Турецкая кожа и технология, позволяющая сшить кобуру "швом внутрь". Произво |
http://www.telenur.com, ID: 50482, рейтинг: 7.3 Перейти на сайт |
Dear Sir/Madam, We would like to introduce our company as one of the major manufacturer of genuine leather mobile phone cases in Turkey. We are exporting our products to world-wide customers in regular base. We are seeking for distibutors at your country. Please visit our web pages for our products www.telenur.com We will be ready to supply your genuine leather case requirments for latest phone models with higest quality and professional service. Best regards RECEP NUR |
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