глазирование glaze a mixer измельчитель capsule mechanical гидравлический
tablet, таблетпресс, пуансон, matrix, блистер, packing the tablets, hydraulic press,
mechanical press, compression, pressing, pressing, production of tablets,
pressing the loose material, pressing the loose substances, effort,
powder, glaze, глазурирование, mixer, измельчитель, капсулятор,
verse a press, продам a press, production of presses, development of presses,
drawings a press, вихревой , centrifugal, air-striking, гранулят, гранулятор,
strainer, dryer, flat пуансон, двояковыпуклый пуансон, плоскоцилиндрическая tablet,
fixing of glaze to tablet, таблетирование, food additives,
production of artificial roe, cod-liver oil in capsules, capsule gelatinous,
gelatine, diameter of tablet, thickness