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Последние новости Курсы валют в Москве

21.01 10:48Во время штурма в Алжире погибли шесть филиппинцев и девять японцев
21.01 10:48Российская арт-премия станет самой дорогой в мире
21.01 10:45Леди Гага споет на балу в честь инаугурации Обамы
21.01 10:43Всеволод Чаплин назвал фильм НТВ о церкви адекватным
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МПК "Ляпко"

http://www.lyapko.com/, ID: 324045, рейтинг: 1.5 , регион: Украина
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Dear Sirs, Lyapko Company offers you mutually advantageous cooperation. Our company has been specialized in manufacturing Lyapko’s applicators and massagers for more than 10 years in Ukraine and marketing throughout the numerous countries all over the world. Having a rich experience at Ukrainian and foreign markets we have reached the highest quality of our products. It is proved by our diplomas and awards of various exhibitions. Efficiency, no side effects and availability are the main features of all our goods. During the long time of the existence of our company no complaints were fixed. All the products are unique for Ukraine and stated by more than 60 patents in many countries. They are certified and approved by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine. All the products were tested and have passed scientific approbation in the leading Russian and Ukrainian clinics. We provide the flexible system of discounts and informational support. More detailed information you can find at www.lyapko.com. Looking...

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