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Auto BMW Club

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BMW Car Club of America From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search The BMW CCA logo The BMW CCA logo The BMW Car Club of America (BMW CCA) is an U.S.-based not-for-profit organization of enthusiasts and owners of BMW-made automobiles (including the Mini). The club exists as a separate entity from BMW AG and its North American subsidiary, although there is a close working relationship where applicable. Founded in 1969, the organization began as an owner-support network, but has grown to include motorsports and racing events, including high-performance driver education, autocrossing, rallies and club-level amateur road racing, in addition to owner education on topics such as mechanical repair, automotive maintenance and collecting vintage vehicles. Headquartered in Greenville, South Carolina, the BMW CCA is organized into six geographic regions [1] and local chapters, each organizing events in that area to make the events more accessible. The magazine Roundel serves as the...

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