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Последние новости Курсы валют в Москве

21.01 10:48Во время штурма в Алжире погибли шесть филиппинцев и девять японцев
21.01 10:48Российская арт-премия станет самой дорогой в мире
21.01 10:45Леди Гага споет на балу в честь инаугурации Обамы
21.01 10:43Всеволод Чаплин назвал фильм НТВ о церкви адекватным
21.01 10:40Похороны Деда Хасана в Грузии сорвались из-за статуса друзей покойного
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Planet-Crimea™ - The real estate of Yalta, the real estate of Crimea, sale of apartments, sale

http://planeta-crimea.com.ua/en/, ID: 307761, рейтинг: 8.0
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The real estate in Crimea, the real estate in Yalta, rent - purchase - sale of the real estate of Yalta and Southern coast of Crimea, east and western Crimea, the north and the south of Crimea, a new building, rent of offices, rent of premises to buy an apartment, the elite real estate of Crimea. A planet - Crimea Yalta. We have a convenient search machine for search of the real estate in Yalta and to Crimea. In base is present more than 250 new objects, from apartments and up to elite private residences and country houses. ***** we also are engaged in rent of apartments, apartments, houses and cottages during the years period (from May till September inclusive). We can reserve for you and your friends to an apartment or cottages in a private sector of Yalta. Send your applications - and we shall start to work for you!... The real estate, rest in Crimea, in a private sector, apartments, summer residences, the cottages which are handed over by inhabitants of Yalta, (Gurzuf, Haspra, Koreiz, Mishor, Alupka, Sime...

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