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Asking for financial help!

http://www.danin.ru, ID: 290033, рейтинг: 0.2
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Dear Sirs, My name is Denis Danin, I am the director of the company "DASLER-TELECOM". I am writing in the name of the population living in Belye Stolby - a small town in Moscow region. The people do not have the real opportunity here in Belye Stolby to connect the internet. We are planning to draw an optical fiber line of communication from the Domodedovo airport to our town. We will also need optional equipment. The rough estimate of the project is $85000. The donors and the population of Belye Stolby have raised the part of this amount ($11700) on contribution. It is very complex to get credit with bank. We are kindly asking you for financial help. If you are able to donate some money to our company, the people of Belye Stolby would be very grateful to you. Many many thanks to peoples of the Earth and internet users for any assistance. Please transfer payments to the following entries: E-GOLD - 1664815 Web-Money - Z165122682535 Sincerely yours, Denis Danin. http://www.danin.ru/ denis@danin.ru

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