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Cities in Australia - Discount Hotel Specials, ID: 226011, рейтинг: 0.2
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Australia is a holiday makers delight. Almost the size of the United States of America, Australia is the world's sixth largest country and the world's smallest continent. Most of the population is concentrated along the eastern coast line with the exception of Perth which is located in the South West ( Western Australia ).. Australia is a country of variety, both in climate and in terrain stretching over 3 time zones. English is the officially spoken language but Australians are pround of their multicultural nation. The most multicultural cities being Sydney ( New South Wales )and Melbourne ( Victoria )and this is reflected in their variety of restaurants. Hotels, Motels and Apartments are the main vacation rentals available around Australia. We offer a huge selection over the price range in an easy to use search engine. Generally speaking, the standard of accommodation is of a fairly high standard in Australia and whilst not always too cheap, we have sorted out some bargains on offer by taking advantag...

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