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Outsourcing Clinical Trials.

http://www.out-clinicaltrials.com/, ID: 192791, рейтинг: 0.3
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The Outsourcing Clinical Trials CRO company supports clinical trials and performs any other activities including clinical phase of the study and medical management of projects on territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Bulgaria. We offer to the sponsor of a clinical trial an opportunity to perform monitoring and management of the project in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Bulgaria by forces of the CRAs employed by OCT as free-lances, as well as using us to outsource regulatory, finance, logistics and other assistance for a clinical trial, thus achieving maximal efficiency and control over implementation of the research protocol. Our experience and up-to-date approach to clinical trials allow us to offer outsourcing as a tool to help the sponsor to focus on the most important things while transferring part of the job to our company.

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