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Последние новости Курсы валют в Москве

21.01 10:48Во время штурма в Алжире погибли шесть филиппинцев и девять японцев
21.01 10:48Российская арт-премия станет самой дорогой в мире
21.01 10:45Леди Гага споет на балу в честь инаугурации Обамы
21.01 10:43Всеволод Чаплин назвал фильм НТВ о церкви адекватным
21.01 10:40Похороны Деда Хасана в Грузии сорвались из-за статуса друзей покойного
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DenCom Ltd. Tourist Company

http://www.den.com.ua, ID: 146857, рейтинг: 2.2
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Are you looking for the new cruise destinations and new experiences? Are you interested in discovering special places in the Black Sea countries and see the genuine sides in each of them? Are you seeking for the trips offering well-organized itineraries in the Ukraine and good value for money? Have you a passion for travel in-group or on your own? Would you like an extra special touch that makes your holiday unique and unforgettable? Are you expecting real professional services that are provided by true experts? If you answered Yes to any of this questions then you hit the mark. You are in reliable hands with DenCom because we know how to do it. DenCom Ltd., one of the leading Ukrainian tour operators based in Odessa with its branch office in Yalta, fully licensed in accordance with national regulations is engaged in promoting tourism to the Ukraine and the Black Sea region.

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