Этот проект о Российском и Скандинавском образовании. Его цель - представить образование России и Северной Европы тем, кто хотел бы больше узнать об образовании других стран, в частности, Скандинавии. This project is devoted to Scandinavian and Russian education. The aim of this project is to introduce Scandinavian and Russian education system to people, who want to know more about education in other countries, particularly in the countries of Northern Europe. Here You can find information about the structure of northern education systems, analysis of these, and also the author's mind about perspectives of development and cooperation in the sphere of education of these countries. The problems of using information communication technologies (ICT) and teaching them are discussed here and such serious problem as using ICT by tutors is also described on this site's pages. Also You can find here a lot of usable and important links, both administrative and educational. Здесь можно найти информацию о системах обра...