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Последние новости Курсы валют в Москве

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Chamber chorus of the Moscow Conservatory. An informal site

http://kamernij.narod.ru, ID: 124802, рейтинг: 1.9
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THE CHAMBER CHOIR OF THE MOSCOW CONSERVATORY was created by professor Boris Tevlin in 1994. The performance staff contained of students and post-graduate students of choral conducting department of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. The Choir won the award of “Grand Prix” and two gold medals at the International Choir Competition in Riva del Garda (Italy, 1998); as well as First Prize and Gold Medal at the First International Choir Competition in Vernigerode (Germany, 1999). In July 2000, the Choir was awarded First Prize at the First World Choral Olympiad in Linz (Austria). The Choir won the First Prize at the XXII International Competition of Orthodox Church music “Khainuvka” (Poland, 2003). In 2002 the Chamber Choir was the only Russian choir representing the home choral art at Sixth World Symposium on Choral Music in Minneapolis (USA). The Chamber Choir of Moscow Conservatory is a participant in a great number of international music festivals, such as: “Lockenhaus-95” (Austria); “Sofia Gub...

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