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Tourist company “Rakhmanov’s Springs”

http://www.altaytravel.com, ID: 121165, рейтинг: 2.0
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A tourist company “Rakhmanov’s Springs” is tourism leader in the East Kasakhstan and Altay. It was found in 1995. The basic activities of the company are sanatorium treatment, winter holidays at mountain ski complex “Knyazhyi Gori” as well as active tours in mountain of Altay (ascent, marches, horseback tours, rafting, auto- and bicycle tours, combined routes ). In the year of 2001 the company organized the Children Tourist Centre with its active programs. The staff of the company is professional alpinists and tourists having the enormous experience at the territory of the East Kazakhstan. The company has its own auto park and it is also possible to organize delivery to the beginning of the route by helicopter.

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