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AROMAROS-M - the leading manufacturer of additives and flavours in Russia

http://www.aromaros.com, ID: 114686, рейтинг: 1.5
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Company "AROMAROS-M" was founded in 1994. Our areals: The company develops and produces additives and flavours for meat products, chips, sauces, pickled cheeses, soy products and others. Our products: - The assortment of products "AROMAROS-M" includes more 700 names additives with various functional properties and flavours. - Complex additives "AROMAROS-M" will provide the best consistence, color and taste for sausages and meat products. - High quality flavourings "AROMAROS-M" for various food products is obtained use of the newest technologies and natural components - spicy herbs essential oils and oleoresins. Our production grows by 12 % each year. Our partners: 700 enterprises of Russia and the countries of the CIS. We will help you improve the profits of your enterprise while retaining the traditional taste of you products and develop new technologies of products.

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