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Последние новости Курсы валют в Москве

21.01 10:48Во время штурма в Алжире погибли шесть филиппинцев и девять японцев
21.01 10:48Российская арт-премия станет самой дорогой в мире
21.01 10:45Леди Гага споет на балу в честь инаугурации Обамы
21.01 10:43Всеволод Чаплин назвал фильм НТВ о церкви адекватным
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More Information on Doing Payroll in Russia to Appear on This Site Soon

http://www.pay-roll.ru/eng/news/, ID: 111756, рейтинг: 14.6
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We, at Unistaff Payroll"s IT and Client Service Divisions, carry on with our effort to fill this site with comprehensive information on processing corporate payrolls in Russia. Payroll being a mission-critical task for every business, our primary goal is to make this information available and accessible to everybody who wants to learn more about streamlining and improving this process, especially through outsourcing it to Unistaff Payroll Services. What we are aiming at is make our web-site informative and helpful for both Unistaff"s clients and those who are just considering the possibility of outsourcing payroll or simply want to get a better grasp of what this concept is all about. Availability of this kind of information is of particular relevance when it comes to doing payroll in Russia where the situation is aggravated by ambiguity and frequent changes in Russian tax and labor legislation. As a result, the task becomes demanding and time-consuming for even the most experienced of accountants.

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